My First Game Jam --> Part 4
My First Game Jam » Devlog

Today I started by creating a sprite for when something is locked or unavailable. I made it using inkscape, I almost went with gimp as I am more familiar with gimp than inkscape but Id like to learn it. I think it went well I only spent maybe half an hour tinkering in the program and I made it,

After making that sprite and setting it to on_ready for each icon I took a break. When I came back I decided to tackle the issue I have been putting off, the code. for the past few days of this project I have kept all the logic in one script. It was beginning to get very cluttered and hard to work on so I chose to rewire my project. I now have all the popup menus re scripted in a more manageable way and started to re-work the logic. I dont really mind having to code it again as I do need some proper practice (I made a backup of the file before I nuked the original code)

Im really happy with where this project is so far as it shows how much I have learned this past year.
My original "" script is here below...... (It does run I just know that it is "bad practice" and getting hard to work on now lol)
extends Control onready var Money_label = $Money var total_clicks = 0 var cost = 10 var money_total = 0 #iron ore variables########################### var ore = 0 var ore_A_sec #ore generated a second var ore_A_click = .5 # Ore generated a click var ore_multi = 1 var ore_value = 1 onready var ore_popup = $iron_ore/ore_Popup onready var ore_label = $iron_ore/ore_label onready var ore_value_label = $iron_ore/ore_Popup/VScrollBar/Value_num #iron bar variables########################## var bar = 0 var bar_A_sec = 0 #bar generates from ore var bar_A_click = 0 var bar_multi = 1 var bar_value = 20 onready var bar_popup = $iron_bar/Popup onready var bar_label = $iron_bar/bar_label onready var bar_value_label = $iron_bar/Popup/ColorRect/value_num #lock variables############################# var lock = 0 # lock generates from bar var lock_A_click = 0 var lock_A_sec = 0 var lock_value = 1000 onready var lock_pop_up = $lock/Popup onready var lock_label = $lock/lock_label onready var lock_value_label = $lock/Popup/ColorRect/value_num func _physics_process(delta): ore_A_sec = 1 * delta * ore_multi ore += ore_A_sec print(money_total) update_ui() func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton: total_clicks += .5 ore += ore_A_click bar += bar_A_click #cant get entire click to be 1 so on up and down click +.5 func update_ui(): bar_label.text = str(int(bar)) bar_value_label.text = str(int(bar_value)) ore_label.text = str(int(ore)) ore_value_label.text = str(ore_value) Money_label.text = str(money_total) func _on_iron_ore_pressed(): if ore_popup.visible == false: ore_popup.visible = true else: ore_popup.visible = false pass # Replace with function body. func _on_upgrade_Ores_pressed(): ore_multi *= 2 pass # Replace with function body. func _on_Upgrade_ore_click_pressed(): ore_A_click *= 2 pass # Replace with function body. func _on_Sell_pressed(): money_total += int(ore_value*ore) money_total += int(bar_value*bar) ore = 0 bar = 0 pass # Replace with function body. func _on_iron_bar_pressed(): bar_popup.rect_position.y = 130 if bar_popup.visible == false: bar_popup.visible = true else: bar_popup.visible = false func _on_Upgrade_bar_click_pressed(): var clicks = 0 var upgrade_cost_barAclick = 100000 if ore >= upgrade_cost_barAclick: ore -= upgrade_cost_barAclick bar_A_click += 1 clicks += 1 pass # Replace with function body. func _on_Upgrade_bar_sec_pressed(): var upgrade_barsec_cost_label = $iron_bar/Popup/ColorRect/Upgrade_bar_sec/Label var words = "Craft Iron x1 \n Cost" var upgrade_cost = 20 upgrade_barsec_cost_label.text += words + str(upgrade_cost) pass # Replace with function body. func _on_lock_pressed(): lock_pop_up.rect_position.y = 260 if lock_pop_up.visible == false: lock_pop_up.visible = true else: lock_pop_up.visible = false
My First Game Jam
This my first time trying out a game jam
Status | Prototype |
Author | b._.render |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Clicker, Experimental, Game Jam, Godot, Idle, Incremental, My First Game Jam, Short, upgrades |
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